The Communications Commission of Kiribati (CCK) is pleased to announce that there is a vacancy for cleaner now existing within the office. The registration will open on Friday, 3 Dec 2021 and close on Friday, 17th Dec 2021. The Minimum requirement is Form 5 Certificate and fluent in English with at least one year experience in cleaning at any organization. The application form can be collected from the CCK office or downloaded from CCK website,
The full detail of the post can be sighted at the Communications Commission of Kiribati office located at Betio.
E kukurei ni katanoata te aobiti ae Communications Commission of Kiribati ke CCK bwa iai te mwawa nte makuri ae te tia kaitiaki nana aobiti. E na uki te kabaeara n te kanimabong 3rd Ritembwa 2021 ao ena in nte 17th Ritember 2021. E kainanoaki ae e a tia ni bane and koraki 5 n te Kauarinan ao and akea ana Kanganga n te taetae ma ni koroboki ni Imatang ao ena riai n tia ni makuri bwa te tia kaitiaki n te maan ae teuana te ririki.
Booma ibukin karinan teara a kona n anaaki n te aobiti I Betio ke n anaaki man ana website CCK as
Click Here
Ibukin Kababanean taekan te mwawa aio ena kona noraki n aobitin CCK.
Mairoun OIC
Communications Commission of Kiribati