Under Construction
Please be informed that we are still working on finishing up our website. In the meantime please contact our office at 751-25488
This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.
Ti kona n reke n ara tabo are e mena i takoronga are ni uakaan ma te onaoraki are e boou.
Betio, Tarawa, Kiribati +686 75125488
The former Telecommunication Authority of Kiribati has a new change of name under the new ACT and the new name now is Communications Commission of Kiribati. The Commission's main core function will regulate communications service providers and the use of the radio spectrum in Kiribati. The Commission is charged with implementing and enforcing the provisions of the Act, including the granting and management of licenses, telephone numbers, radio spectrum assignments, the selling and the registration of the DOT KI (.ki) domain names and the type approval of electronic devices emitting analog and digital signals.
Office Phone:- (686) 75125488 /(686) 75125431
Email us - enquiry@cck.ki
Please be informed that we are still working on finishing up our website. In the meantime please contact our office at 751-25488